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1.      主要研究方向


2.      社会兼职国内外学术团体任职情况


3.      教育及进修经历

2012.11 - 2015.10,香港城市大学,博士

2008.09 – 2011.03,同济大学,硕士

2004.09 – 2008.06,湖南大学,本科

4. 主持或主研的科学研究项目

(1) 国家自然青年科学基金,间歇送风与层式通风耦合下室内动态热环境研究(项目批准号:51608066)2017/01-2019/12,主持;

(2) 中央高校基本科研业务费(专项项目),层式通风供暖效果及其优化研究(项目批准号:106112016CDJXY210009)2016/05-2018/04,项目负责人;

(3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,层式通风能效分析与提高(项目批准号:51178407)2012/01-2015/12,主研;

(4) 国家十三五重点研发计划项目长江流域建筑供暖空调解决方案和相应系统之子课题建筑热环境营造技术集成方法研究”(2016YFC0700306-03)2016/07-2020/06,主研;

5. 主要学术论文与代表作

(1) Y. Cheng, Z. Lin*. Experimental study of airflow characteristics of stratum ventilation in a multi-occupant room with comparison to mixing ventilation and displacement ventilation, Indoor Air (2015), 25, 662-671.

(2) Y. Cheng, Z. Lin*. Experimental investigation into the interaction between the human body and room airflow and its effect on thermal comfort under stratum ventilation, Indoor Air (2016), 26, 274-285.

(3) Y. Cheng, Z. Lin*, A.M.L. Fong. Effects of temperature and supply airflow rate on thermal comfort in a stratum-ventilated room, Building and Environment (2015), 92, 269-277.

(4) Y. Cheng, M.L. Fong, T. Yao, Z. Lin*, K.F. Fong. Uniformity of stratum-ventilated thermal environment and thermal sensation, Indoor Air (2014), 24, 521-532.

(5) Y. Cheng, Z. Lin*. Technical feasibility of a stratum-ventilated room for multiple rows of occupants, Building and Environment (2015), 94, 580-592.

(6) S. Zhang, Y. Cheng, Z.S. Fang, C. Huan, Z. Lin*. Optimization of room air temperature in stratum-ventilated rooms for both thermal comfort and energy saving, Applied Energy (2017), 204, 420-431.

(7) S. Zhang, Y. Cheng*. Performance improvement of an ejector cooling system with thermal pumping effect (ECSTPE) by doubling evacuation chambers in parallel, Applied Energy (2017), 187, 675-688.

(8) S. Zhang, Z. Lin, Y. Cheng*. Optimizing the set generating temperature to improve the designed performance of an ejector cooling system with thermal pumping effect (ECSTPE), Solar Energy (2017), 157, 309-320.

(9) 程勇,刘东,王婷婷,王康,王新林. 实验室排风柜面风速要求与实测分析, 暖通空调(2012), 42, 84-88.

(10) 程勇,刘东,王婷婷. 热源体对排风柜内气流分布影响的数值研究, 暖通空调(2013), 43, 67-72


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