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2. 社会兼职、国内外学术团体任职情况:

国际水协IWA(International Water Association)会员、美国化学学会ACS(American Chemical Society)会员,国际Society of Chemical Industry学会会员、中国环境科学学会会员;国际SCI学术期刊Journal of Hazardous Materials(SCI Top 1区)、Waste Management(固废领域SCI Top 2区)、Energy& Fuels(ACS化学著名期刊2区)、Materials&Structures(固体材料领域SCI著名期刊3区)等审稿人

3. 教育及进修经历

2011年至今 重庆大学828-365.com环境工程系 讲师、副教授

2009年-2011年 浙江大学化学工程与技术博士后流动站 博士后

2006年 美国Cornell University康奈尔大学 学习交流

2003年-2009年 浙江大学环境与资源学院 环境工程专业 工学博士

1999年-2003年 同济大学环境科学与工程学院 环境工程专业 工学学士

4. 主持或主研的科学研究项目














5. 主要学术论文与代表作


1、Shi DZ, Wu WX*, Lu SY, Chen T, Huang HL, Chen YX, Yan JH. Effect of MSW source-classified collection on the emission of PCDDs/Fs and heavy metals from incineration in China.Journal of Hazardous Materials.2008, 153(1-2): 685-694. (SCIIF = 6.065 )

2、Tang XJ, Shen CF,Shi DZ*, Cheema SA, Khan IM, Zhang CK, Chen YX. Heavy metal and persistent organic compound contamination in soil from Wenling: an emerging e-waste recycling city in Taizhou area, China.Journal of Hazardous Materials.2010, 173(1-3): 653-660. (SCIIF = 6.065 ) 被引频次:141 ESI高被引论文(前1%

3、Shen KL, Shen CF, Yu J, Yu CN, Chen L,Shi DZ*, Chen YX. PCB congeners induced mitochondrial dysfunction in Vero cells.Journal of Hazardous Materials.2011, 185: 24-28. (SCIIF = 6.065)

4、Shi DZ*, Hu CY. Zhang JL, Li PF, Zhang C, Wang XM, Ma H. Silicon-aluminum additives assisted hydrothermal process for stabilization of heavy metals in fly ash from MSW incineration.Fuel Processing Technology. 2017,165:44-53. (SCIIF = 3.752)

5、Shi DZ*, Zhang C, Zhang JL, Li PF, Wei YM Seed-assisted hydrothermal treatment with composite silicon-aluminum additive for solidification of heavy metals in municipal solid waste incineration fly ash.Energy & Fuels.2016, 30 (12): 10661-10670. (SCIIF = 3.091)

6、Shi DZ*, Li PF, Zhang C, Tang XJ. Levels and patterns of polychlorinated biphenyls in residues from incineration of established source-classified MSW in China.Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry.2015, 97(10): 1337-1349. (SCI )

7、Shi DZ, Tang XJ, Wu WX*, Shen CF, McBride BM, Chen YX. Effect of MSW source-classified collection on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in residues from full-scale incineration in China.Water, Air & Soil Pollution.2009, 198: 347-358. (SCI)

8、Shi DZ*, Zhang JL, Zhang C, Hu CY, Li PF. Seed-induced hydrothermal synthesis of tobermorite from municipal solid waste incinerator fly ash.Journal of Residuals Science & Technology.2017,14(1):11-19 (SCI )

9、Shen CF, Huang SB,Shi DZ, Zhu YF, Shi JY, Chen XC, Setty K, Chen YX*. Identification of Ah receptor agonists in soil of E-waste recycling sites from Taizhou area in China.Environmental Science & Technology.2008, 42(1): 49-55.(SCIIF =6.198 )

10、Shen CF, Tang XJ, Yao J,Shi DZ, Fang J, Imran K M, Cheema SA, Chen YX*. Levels and patterns of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls in municipal waste incinerator bottom ash in Zhejiang province, China.Journal of Hazardous Materials.2010, 179: 197-202. (SCIIF = 6.065 )

11、Huang X,Shi DZ, Sun FQ, Lu HH, Liu JJ, Wu WX*. Efficacy of sludge and manure compost amendments against fusarium wilt of cucumber. Efficacy of sludge and manure compost amendments against fusarium wilt of cucumber.Environmental Science & Pollution Research.2012, 19(9):3895-3905. (SCIIF=2.741)

12、Ding Y, Liu YX, Wu WX*,Shi DZ, Yang M, Zhong ZK .Evaluation of biochar effects on nitrogen retention and leaching in multi-layered soil columns.Water, Air & Soil Pollution.2010, 213(1-3): 47-55. (SCI ) 被引频次:158

13、Chen XY*, Huang XD, Hu B,Shi DZ, Wu WX. Effects of bamboo charcoal and bamboo vinegar on nitrogen conservation and heavy metals immobility during pig manure composting.Chemosphere.2010, 78(9): 1177-1181. (SCIIF = 4.208 )

14、Wei YM*, Li JY,Shi DZ, Liu GT, Zhao YC, Shimaoka T. Environmental challenges impeding the composting of biodegradable municipal solid waste: A critical review.Resources, Conservation & Recycling.2017,122: 51–65 (SCIIF=3.313)

15、Wei YM*, Mei XX,Shi DZ, Liu GT, Li L, Shimaoka T. Separation and characterization of magnetic fractions from waste-to-energy bottom ash with an emphasis on the leachability of heavy metals.Environmental Science & Pollution Research. 2017, 24(17):14970-14979 (SCI三区IF = 2.741)

16、Ding Y, Han ZY, Wu WX,Shi DZ, Chen YX, Li WH*. Performance evaluation of biofilters and biotrickling filters in odor control of n-butyric acid.Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A.2011, 46(5): 441-452. (SCI )

17、Xu XY, Jin ZX, Wang B, Lv CP, Hu BB,Shi DZ. Treatment of high-strength ammonia nitrogen wastewater by polyvinyl alcohol–sodium alginate immobilization of activated sludge.Process Biochemistry. 2017, 63:214-220 (SCI三区IF = 2.497)

18、Shi DZ*, Zhang JL, Hu CY, Zhang C, Li PF. Research and application progress of the supercritical water oxidation technology on waste sludge treatment.Journal of Chemical Industry & Engineering.2017, 68(1): 37-49. ( EI )

19、Shi DZ*, Wang P, Hu CY, Li PF, Zhang C, Wei YM, Gu L. Synergistic effect of silicon-aluminum addition and seed-induced on stabilization of heavy metals in MSW incineration fly ash during hydrothermal process.Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering.2018. ( EI )

20、Zhu LC, Liu YY*, Li WM, Mou HY, Wang WY,Shi DZ, Wang T. Adsorption remediation of Cr(Ⅵ) contaminated groundwater with chemically synthesized schwertmannite.Environmental Science. 2017, 38(2): 629-639. ( EI )

21、石德智*,李鹏飞,张超,魏云梅.水热法外加硅铝添加剂稳定垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属的研究.环境工程学报. 2017, 11(1):582-588.

22、石德智*,张金露,张超,李鹏飞.粉煤灰水热法合成沸石的研究进展.安全与环境学报. 2016,16(3): 273-279.

23、魏云梅,周英,石德智*.垃圾焚烧炉渣铁磁性物质提取及特性表征.环境工程学报. 2015, 9(10): 5037-5044.

24、周英,石德智*,向先熙,李鹏飞.基于能量分析的生活垃圾分类收集方式探讨.环境科学与技术. 2014, 37(6): 300-303.

25、黄向东,韩志英,石德智*,黄啸,等.畜禽粪便堆肥过程中氮素的损失与控制.应用生态学报. 2010, 21(1): 247-254.

26、王成贤,石德智*,沈超峰,等.畜禽粪便污染负荷及风险评估—以杭州市为例.环境科学学报. 2011, 31(11): 2562-2569.

27、刘晶静,吴伟祥*,丁颖,石德智,等.氨氧化古菌及其在氮循环中的重要作用.应用生态学报.2010, 21(8): 2154-2160.

28、郭晓慧,吴伟祥*,韩志英,石德智.嗜酸产甲烷菌及其在厌氧处理中的应用.应用生态学报. 2011, 22(2): 537-542.

29、张蕊,韩志英*,陈重军,石德智,等.生物膜型污水脱氮系统中膜结构及微生物生态研究进展.生态学杂志. 2011, 30(11): 2628-2636.


30、石德智*,刘国涛,等.准好氧填埋在固废综合实验中的体系设计.实验科学与技术, 2017, 15(5): 69-72

31、石德智*,刘元元,刘国涛,等.应用导向下的案例式教学在清洁生产审核课程中的实践.课程教育研究. 2016, 15: 9-10.

32、石德智*,刘元元,等.《清洁生产与清洁生产审核》课程建设与教学改革探索.教育教学论坛. 2017,4:112-115.


1、一种城市生活垃圾的综合处理工艺.发明专利. ZL200610052079.8.

2、一种适合于村镇的垃圾综合处理方法.发明专利. ZL200710068139.X.

3、一种有机固体废物高温水解处理装置.发明专利. ZL200710069848.X.

4、厌氧/缺氧-好氧序批式反应器内培养颗粒污泥的方法.发明专利. ZL200810163174.4 .

5、危险废液物化综合处理系统.发明专利. ZL201110217842.9

6、一种减少氮素损失的猪粪堆肥制备方法.发明专利. ZL200810162210.5.

7、一种快速升温脱水及减少堆肥时间的猪粪堆肥制备方法.发明专利. ZL200910098772.2

8、一种添加晶种诱导水热稳定垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属的方法.发明专利. ZL201610264481.6

9、垃圾焚烧灰渣水热法重金属稳定方法.发明专利. CN107265470A

10、一种垃圾热处理灰渣中含铁物质的富集方法.发明专利. CN106583036A

11、一种碱溶液相转移技术修复氰化物污染土壤的方法.发明专利. 201710683882.X

12、一种处理废水中氨氮的方法及固定化生物反应器.发明专利. CN106995238A

6. 获奖情况



7. 参与的国际与国内会议情况

1、Southern Extension and Research Activity Group-17. 2006. Ithaca, NewYork.USA

2、中日KSI International Symposium The 1st Young Researchers’ Session Sustainability - from "Now" to the "Future" . 2007.杭州

3、浙江大学-富士電機システムズ研究開発センター. 2010 Tokyo. Japan

4、International Symposium on Science, Technology and Policy for Water PollutionControlat Watershed Scale. 2009

5、Symposium on Science and Technology for Water Pollution Control in China, Japan,andUS. 2010

6、InternationalSymposium on Environmental Behavior and Effects of Biomass-derived Charcoal. 2010

上一条:马 华 下一条:王小铭(博士生导师)


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