姓 名:李 伟
通信地址:重庆市沙坪坝区沙正街174号 重庆大学(B区)828-365.com
1. 主要研究方向:
2. 教育及进修经历:
2014/10—2015/12,三菱材料株式会社—(日本)东北大学 环境机能工程联合研究室,博士后
2011/06—2014/09,(日本)东北大学 土木工程系 环境生态工程研究室,博士研究生,工学博士
2009/10—2011/03,(日本)东京大学 应用化学系 光机能研究室,博士研究生
2008/10—2009/09,东北师范大学 中国赴日本国留学生预备学校,国家公派出国留学人员培训
2005/09—2008/06,东南大学 能源与环境工程学院 环境工程系,硕士研究生,工学硕士
2001/09—2005/06,四川师范大学 化学与材料学院 环境工程系,本科生,工学学士
3. 社会兼职、国内外学术团体任职情况:
4. 主持或主研的科学研究项目:
5. 主要学术论文与代表作:
1) Wei Li, Xiaoguang Xu, Megumu Fujibayashi, Qigui Niu, Nobuyuki Tanaka, Osamu Nishimura. 2016. Response of microalgae to elevated CO2and temperature: impact of climate change on freshwater ecosystems. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23,19847–19860.
2) Wei Li, Qiu Jin, Xianning Li, Osamu Nishimura. 2014. Elimination of cyanobacteria and cyanobacterial microcystin with increase in heterogeneity. Ecological Engineering, 73, 487-493.
3) Xiaoguang Xu,Wei Li*, Megumu Fujibayashi, Munehiro Nomura, Osamu Nishimura*, Xianning Li. 2015. Asymmetric response of sedimentary pool to surface water inorganics from a shallow hypereutrophic lake: The role of animal consumption and microbial utilization. Ecological Indicators, 58,346-355.
4) Xiaoguang Xu,Wei Li*, Megumu Fujibayashi, Munehiro Nomura, Takashi Sakamaki, Osamu Nishimura, Xianning Li. 2014. Feedback of threshold via estimating sources and composition of sedimentary organic matter across trophic gradients in freshwater lakes. Science of the Total Environment, 500, 373-382.
5) Xiaoguang Xu,Wei Li, Megumu Fujibayashi, Munehiro Nomura, Osamu Nishimura, Xianning Li. 2014. Predominance of terrestrial organic matter in sediments from a cyanobacteria-blooming hypereutrophic lake. Ecological Indicators, 50,35-43.
6) Hailiang Song, Xianning Li,Wei Li, Xiwu Lu. 2014. Role of biologic components in a novel floating-bed combiningIpomoea aquatic,Corbicula flumineaand biofilm carrier media. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 8, 215-225.
7) Xianning Li, Hailiang Song,Wei Li, Xiwu Lu, Osamu Nishimura. 2010. An integrated ecological floating-bed employing plant, freshwater clam and biofilm carrier for purification of eutrophic water. Ecological Engineering, 36, 382-390.
8) 金秋,曹大伟,李伟,吴磊,李先宁. 2011.地埋式一体化溅水充氧生物滤池的充氧效果研究.中国给水排水, 27(5), 16-19.
9) 曹大伟,李伟,李先宁,花蓉蓉. 2009.地埋式一体化生物滤池的低温运行特性.中国给水排水, 25(11), 33-36.
10) 李伟,李先宁,曹大伟,金秋. 2008.组合生态浮床技术对富营养化水源水质的改善效果.中国给水排水, 24(3), 34-38.
11) 曹大伟,李先宁,李伟,花蓉蓉,陶雪江. 2008.地埋式一体化生物滤池工艺处理农村生活污水.中国给水排水, 25(1), 32-35.
12) 王铁风,李伟*,金秋,曹大伟,李孝安. 2008.生态中水道技术.环境工程, 26(4), 83-86.
13) Wensong Duan, Qigui Niu, Xiaoguang Xu,Wei Li, Dafang Fu. 2016. Influence
of attapulgite addition on the biological performance and microbial
communities of submerged dynamic membrane bioreactor. Journal of Water Reuse
and Desalination, DOI: 10.2166/wrd.2016.133
14) Qiu Jin,Wei Li*, Xianning Li. 2016.Effect of EarthwormEisenia Foetidain
Constructed Wetland on Purification of Country Wastewater.Procedia
1)Wei Li, Xiaoguang Xu, Megumu Fujibayashi, Nobuyuki Tanaka, Yoshio Aikawa,
Osamu Nishimura. Impact of Climate Change on Energy Transfer between Primary
Producer and Consumer in Freshwater Ecosystem through Omega3 Polyunsaturated
Fatty Acids. 8th International Shallow Lakes Conference, Antalya, Turkey,
2)Wei Li, Xiaoguang Xu, Nobuyuki Tanaka, Megumu Fujibayashi, Osamu Nishimura.
Impacts of Temperature and Carbon Dioxide on the Growth of Freshwater Algae.
The 48th Annual Conference of Japan Society on Water Environment, Sendai,
Japan, Mar.17-19,2014.
3)Wei Li, Nobuyuki Tanaka, Megumu Fujibayashi, Osamu Nishimura. Impact of
increased carbon dioxide on plankton-zooplankton tropho-dynamic coupling
through unsaturated fatty acid content. The 47th Annual Conference of Japan
Society on Water Environment, Osaka, Japan, Mar.11-13, 2013.
4)Wei Li, Takashi Taniguchi, Nobuyuki Tanaka, Megumu Fujibayashi, Osamu
Nishimura. Effects of Climate Change on the Productivity and Composition of
Freshwater Phytoplankton Communities. The 46th Annual Conference of Japan
Society on Water Environment, Tokyo, Japan, Mar.14-16,2012.