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[1] Zhongli Chen, Xingzhong Yuan (2016): Mountain wetland agriculture: concept framework and practice. The 10thINTECOL International Wetland Conference. 19-24 September 2016, Changshu, China. [2] Zhongli Chen, Burkhard Schmidt and Andreas Schaeffer (2015): The behavior of uptake and decomposition of the herbicide propanil in plantBidens pilosaL. dominating in the Yangtze Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), China.15th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment (ICCE), 20 - 24 September 2015, Leipzig, Germany. [3] Zhongli Chen, Xingzhong Yuan, Burkhard Schmidt, Andreas Sch?ffer.(2013): Optimize the plant function in the Yangtze Three Gorges Reservoir. SETAC Europe 23rd Annual Meeting, 12-16 May, 2013, Glasgow, United Kingdom. [4] Scholz-Starke B,Chen Z, Floehr T, Hollert H, Huo J, Li B, Ottermanns R, Ross-Nickoll M, Schmidt B, Strauch K, Wu L, Yin D, Yuan Y, Yuan X, Zoschke A, Schaeffer A (2012): Consequences of the Three Gorges Dam in China – Conceptual approaches to study the fate, bioaccumulation and effects of organic micropollutants in aquatic food webs and sediments of the Yangtze. SETAC Europe 22th Annual Meeting / 6th SETAC World Congress, 20-24 May 2012, Berlin, Germany. [5] Scholz-Starke B, Yuan Y, Floehr T, Strauch K, Heister S,Chen Z, Bo L, Wu LL, Hou J, Yuan X, Yin D, Ottermanns R, Schmidt B, Ross-Nickoll M, Hollert H, Schaeffer A (2011): Conceptual approach and first results of the MICROTOX project: Fate, bioaccumulation and effects of model pollutants in the Yangtze River. Sino-German Workshop "Processes in the Yangtze River System" 2011, Aachen. [6] Scholz-Starke B, Yuan Y, Floehr T, Strauch K, Heister S,Chen Z, Li B, Wu L, Hou J, Yuan X, Yin D, Ottermanns R, Schmidt B, Ross-Nickoll M, Hollert H, Schaeffer A (2011): Conceptual approach and first results of the MICROTOX project: Fate, effects and bioaccumulation of model pollutants in the Yangtze river. In: Küppers S, Subklew G, Wilken RD (eds.) (2011) Processes in the Yangtze River System-Experiences and Perspectives.Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich Reihe Energie & Umwelt /Energy & Environment Band / Volume 123 ISSN 1866-1793 ISBN 978-3-89336-744-3. |